Spiritual Boss Babe


Leaving a corporate career to follow my Dharma is not for the weak. However, I motive myself by saying
"How can this go wrong, if this is what the Universe assigned me to do here on Earth...?"  Yeah, time to level up my friends as we are here for a ride...

How can I help?

I teach you all about spirituality, manifesting and crushing your goals 

Turning your pain and Struggle points into growth

as a chopra total well-being coach bringing you to total health  by connecting body, mind and soul together

Manifest your dream life and let's crush those goals!

Leave the guess work behind and accelerate your healing, business, personal and life goals with proven frameworks, roadmaps and digital courses within our community.

I am crushing my goals, my health and my life  and you should and can too.


An established Spiritual Soulpreneur and Chopra Total Well-Being Coach.

Is your life chaotic? Mine was and there is a different way of living you know...


I have helped over 300+ people implement change in their lives by leading a more spiritual life and work with their own energy to crush their life, health and business goals through ancient wisdom such as Ayurveda, meditation, healing  and working more strategically in their personal and business life.  Work smarter not harder loves...


I'm Jamie Bareño

All of this was possible through implementing my proven frameworks and educational programs. I did all the studying throughout the years and now you get to benefit of it all in an accelerated format without the guesswork and trial and error.  

I know that this sounds fantastic and you are asking yourself, how do I start? Now, you know this can be you and everything is possible, right?  Yes no maybe? You got this so this is a HELL YES for you! Let’s not waste your precious time 'cause time is money and you got goals to reach. Still doubting? Know that the only thing we cannot buy is TIME, so let’s start  working on getting those goals aligned with your soul and see the magic unfold...


Join meditation course
starting 22 feb 2022

Pivoting in 2022

Spiritual Growth as a Mindset

 From my backyard we are going worldwide in 2022!  THINK BIG AND MAKE IT HAPPEN! Our minds will fool us that we are not capable of doing many beautiful things or deserve amazing results. YOU deserve it all and much more! 

The options we have together are endless. Let's explore some of the ways we can work together:

- 1:1 Coaching
- Group coaching (Join end of each month with a NEW THEME)
- Digital transformational courses
- Corporate Wellness Programs
- Spiritual Well-Being Retreats 

Join my first upcoming meditation course that starts 22 February 2022 on this auspicious day! 

it was not always this easy...

Activating the Boss Babe and Igniting the Spiritual Warrior within Me

My path has not always been smooth has been hard but through these hardships I learned to turn these struggles into opportunities throughout my life. I remained disciplined and motivated because I knew that happiness will come one day just did not know when. I couldn't not understand why I had to go through so much pain and struggles.  Doing my inner healing and confronting my traumas and breaking generational curses  opened up a world that I did not know existed.    During my training of becoming a  "Chopra Total Well- Being Coach" I realized that my mission is beyond the four walls I was living at the bank.  I had to step up my game and be of service towards humanity with my unique gifts. Due to my life experiences, I am able to connect, understand and help my clients seeing that I have seen and experienced almost everything one can experience in a lifetime. However, this may feel like a blessing and a curse, but without these experiences I won't be able to do the work that I do successfully.

So yes, I share my vulnerability with world since this girl is an open book with no shame nor regrets in life. We live life unapologetic by leaving our past in the past and working towards our future.     

Let's work together to begin manifesting a wonderful life and begin your healing journey.

fun facts


Zodiac signS

Favorite book

my dosha is

fav country

fav god & goddess

sun Sagittarius  moon  Scorpio rising Capricorn

In 2015, we named our son Jet and in 2017 I placed a tattoo with the world on my back as a promise to myself to travel as much as I can. I took advantage of the pandemic to get aligned with my deepest life desires and quit  my corporate job to set all the systems and processes of our businesses in place to be able to work from WIFI in order to keep my focus and mission present.




mission: to travel the world

I am a goal getter  with a spiritual badass boss babe vibe and love what I do. Managed to combine these elements into a lifestyle.

Glam Hippie lifestyle 

 I make life and business decisions working with the energy of the moon and planets and also by meditating by the ocean on a weekly basis. My love for the ocean, moon and sunsets are endlessly. I appreciate what Mother Earth gave us and at the same time these elements have healed me in moments where i hit rock bottom. 

Lover of the ocean, moon and sunsets

Dream vacay

the Power of Now

Pitta -Pitta


Ganesh and Lakshmi


Being socialLY responsible to BETTER the world 

On November 16, 2021  we proudly  established "Speech Warriors of Aruba Foundation" as a way to give back to our local community. Our son, Jet Owen, has severe "Speech Apraxia" which is a rare speech disorder and through this foundation we contribute to fund children  who are in need of financial aid to cover speech therapy.
This is our way to give back to society and thank customers for their loyalty since a percentage of the purchases will be going to the foundation. 

Make a donation now:
Speech Warriors of Aruba Foundation
Aruba Bank

Professional Bio

knowledge is power

I have a Bachelor’s degree in Tourism Management and a MBA degree from “The University of Aruba”. I recently quit my 10 year corporate banking career to  dedicate  my life to my dharma in the Creator Economy. As a soulpreneur, educator, coach, spiritual teacher and president of a foundation, I know what motivation and determination is.  

I had the honor to be certified under Dr. Deepak Chopra at the Chopra Global Center for multiple of my certifications such as Ayurveda, Meditation and the most recently, for Total Well-Being Coaching. Ancient knowledge has been passed to me through my mentors, teachers and continued education. I share my unique gifts to the world and assist you uncover yours as well.

Recently, I have also been in training with Bessel van der Kolk, MD, who is arguably the world’s leading expert in the treatment of trauma – especially when it comes to how trauma affects the brain, body, and nervous system.

 As you can see, I dedicated my life to studying and doing the work for years before I even stepped into my power of being a service to humanity. Now you have the privilege to work closely with me since I am now ready to take over and share my work that the Universe gifted me and help you uncover yours...

© Jamie Bareno 2023 |  Design by Mike & Jamie  |  Template by Jessica Gingrich  |  Privacy Policy